Safety Box
Safety Box from Your Safety Advisor Ltd is a unique online health and safety resource that has been set up specifically for the benefit of all of our retained Health and Safety Advisor Service clients. Safety Box contains a wide range of useful reference documents from the HSE and other industry leading bodies, as well as useful information sheets, standard templates and even a selection of over 70 No. Tool Box Talks.
All of the documents with Safety Box can be accessed and downloaded as and when needed and the great part is, you can do this from wherever you are, using your Laptop; Tablet or even Mobile Phone. The contents of Safety Box will grow and be added to over time as we develop additional templates and add extra information and publications.
Safety Box is only available from Your Safety Advisor Ltd, it is a unique online resource which we have developed specifically for our clients. To gain access to this unique and growing online Health and Safety resource you need to sign up to our Retained Health and Safety Advisor Service.
Don’t miss out, sign up today and have the dual benefits of Your Safety Advisor Ltd as your Competent Health and Safety Advisor and access to one of the most useful collections of health and safety templates and documents available for those working in the Construction and Building sectors.
Scroll down the page to find out more, or to gain access to Safety Box use the following link to sign up to our Retained Health and Safety Advisor Service:
Retained Health and Safety Advisor Service

Safety Box from Your Safety Advisor Ltd is a unique online health and safety resource that has been set up specifically for the benefit of all of our retained Health and Safety Advisor Service clients – Safety Box is only available to our retained Health and Safety Advisor Service Clients. Safety Box contains a wide range of useful reference documents from the HSE and other industry leading bodies, as well as useful information sheets, standard templates and even a selection of over 70 No. Tool Box Talks.
All of the documents within Safety Box can be accessed and downloaded as and when needed and the great part is, you can do this from wherever you are, using your Laptop; Tablet or even Mobile Phone. And to make life easier, we’ve simply used the well known and established Dropbox system meaning we have an industry leading, powerful and reliable engine to host and deliver our services.
The Contents of Safety Box are regularly updated and added to and we plan to create essential repository of essential documents and templates that will help and assist our clients in the fulfillment of their Health and Safety Duties and Responsibilities. At present there in excess of 250 individual documents hosted but our intention is to grow and add to this over time as we develop additional templates and add extra information and publications. For example we have recently added a Coronavirus/Covid-19 section with useful information and documentation to help keep you and your employees safe on site during these unprecedented times.
Safety Box is an innovative online Health and Safety Resource for those working in the construction and building industries. Safety Box contains a huge range of essential health and safety documents including:
Standard health and safety forms and templates which can be downloaded and used to help manage day to day health and safety issues
- Copies of HSE, APS, NASC, CPA and other industry guidance to help ensure you have access to the right information at the right time
- Copies of Safety Information Sheets prepared by Your Safety Advisor Ltd and others on a range of essential health and safety topics
- A large selection of digital Health and Safety Signs which can be downloaded and printed off for immediate use on site
- A selection of over 70 Tool Box Talks
- An entire section devoted to Coronavirus/Covid-19
- plus more material being added all the time!
Safety Box enables you to have access to all of this information at any time, wherever you are. Access it in the office on your laptop, at home on your Tablet or even on site using your mobile phone. With Safety Box, health and Safety information has never been more accessible.
And the best thing about Safety Box is that’s its totally FREE for our Retained Health and Safety Advisor Service clients, just one more benefit of employing Your Safety Advisor Ltd as your Retained Health and Safety Advisors.
Furthermore under Regulation 7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, all companies are required to have access to Competent Health and Safety Advice, so if you’re a construction company, building company or self employed tradesman and don’t already have access to competent Health and Safety Advice, don’t look any further, Your Safety Advisor Ltd are the Construction Safety Specialists and for less than £1 a day, you can appoint us as your Named Health and Safety Advisors to enable you to comply with the requirements of Regulation 7. This will then also give you immediate access to Safety Box!
Safety Box is only available from Your Safety Advisor Ltd, it is a unique online resource which we have developed specifically for our clients, so unless you retain us as your Safety Advisors, you won’t gain access. Both this is effectively a totally FREE RESOURCE for our Retained Health and Safety Advisor clients, just another great benefit of using Your Safety Advisor Ltd – the Construction Safety Specialists as your Health and Safety Advisors!
It’s also important to remember that our retained safety advisor scheme has been designed specifically to help small and medium sized companies comply with the legal requirement to appoint a ‘Competent Person’ to provide Health and Safety Advice and Support to their companies. So comply with your duties under Regulation 7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 by appointing Your Safety Advisor Ltd and get FREE access to Safety Box!
To gain access to Safety Box, our unique and growing online Health and Safety resource you need to sign up to our Retained Health and Safety Advisor Service.
Don’t miss out, sign up today and have the dual benefits of Your Safety Advisor Ltd as your Competent Health and Safety Advisor and access to Safety Box, one of the most useful collections of health and safety templates and documents available for those working in the Construction and Building sectors.
Click on the following link to sign up to our Retained Health and Safety Advisor Service which will then give you free access to Safety Box: