Workplace Stress Online Training Course
Our online Workplace Stress training course will help to ensure you understand the key elements and phases of occupational stress in the workplace, together with the common causes of stress and your duties as an employer.
Dealing with workplace stress can be difficult and confusing, this training course provides details on what you need to know to prevent stress at work and avoid the damaging economic and human costs.
Workplace Stress Online Training Course
Occupation or Workplace Stress is defined by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) as the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them.
Dealing with workplace stress can be difficult and confusing, this training course provides details on what you need to know to prevent stress at work and avoid the damaging economic and human costs.
Stress at work can be down to a number of factors and all too often it can be due to the result of a poorly structured job, poor organisation, unrealistic targets, time pressures, insufficient resources or bad management practices. These can result in a persons capacity for dealing with stress being exceeded, to the point where they can no longer cope. However, everyone is different and the stress thresholds can differ greatly from one person to another. Additionally some people even thrive on the added pressure of stress and it drives them on, but others struggle and it can adversely affect them. The outcome can produce significant illness and disease in some cases. It can also lead to mistakes and further injuries, not only to themselves, but potentially to other workers or even members of the public. This is why it’s vital that workplace or occupational stress is managed properly and not simply ignored.
Workplace Stress Online Training – Course Content
Our online Workplace Stress training course will help to ensure you understand the key elements and phases of occupational stress in the workplace, together with the common causes of stress and your duties as an employer. The full content of the online Workplace Stress training course can be summarised as follows:
- Introduction
- What is stress
- Your employers legal obligations
- What causes work related stress
- What stress can lead to in the workplace
- The 7 workplace stressors
- Managing stress
- Multiple choice questions
Learning outcomes
Upon the completion of this course you will have an understanding of the following:
- What work related stress is
- The employers legal obligations
- What causes work related stress
- The 7 workplace stressors
- Ways to manage stress in the workplace
The duration of this course is approximately 30 minutes and no prior knowledge is required.
Upon the successful completion of the course, a Training Certificate will be issued.