Vibration Risk Assessment (Single)
Vibration Risk Assessment – based on the information you provide, we will prepare a vibration risk assessment including recommended actions that need to be taken (where applicable) to reduce and control the level of exposure to harmful vibration. This assessment is intended for those working on building and/or construction sites using mobile plant, tools and other vibration generating equipment/activities etc. The vibration risk assessment will take account of the equipment used/process being undertaken, the environment and the persons likely to be affected by the vibration. The completed Vibration Risk Assessment will be emailed to you as a PDF document.
The cost displayed is for a single Vibration risk Assessment – ie: assessing the impact of one tool.
The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 place specific duties onto employers to help protect and safeguard their employees from the harmful effects of vibration. In order to comply with the requirements of the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005, employers should undertake a Vibration Risk Assessment for all activities where the Action levels are likely to be exceeded.
Your Safety Advisor Ltd can help you and your company by completing Vibration Risk Assessments based on the information that you provide. As part of the vibration risk assessment we will prepare recommendations that can be implemented on site to help reduce and control the level of exposure to harmful levels of vibration that your employees may otherwise be exposed too. This may involve changes to the work process, use of alternative work procedures, the use of different equipment, rotating staff, changing processes or simply reducing the duration of exposure to the source of the harmful vibration.
Each vibration assessment that we prepare will take account of the equipment being used, the process being undertaken, the environment and the persons likely to be affected by the vibration. Where applicable, suggestions will be made that eliminate the need to exposure employees to the vibration in the first place. Where this is not practical, measures to limit or reduce the actual vibration levels will be considered before finally considering protection for individuals such as through the use of PPE and limiting the duration of exposure.
The completed Vibration Risk Assessment will then be emailed to you, complete your company details and logo if applicable, as a secure PDF document.
Advice on the control of vibration and your duties under the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations is also offered to our retained clients as part of our Retained Health and Safety Advisor Service, details of which can be found by clicking here.