PUWER Inspection Template
PUWER or the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 applies to all machinery, tools and equipment. So be it a 40 tonne excavator or a 3 tread step ladder, you have a duty to inspect the equipment for faults and defects to make sure that it is safe to use. Our free PUWER Safety Checklist/Template can be used to make a record of these inspection to help you demonstrate to third parties that you have a formal inspection regime in place. Obviously some inspections are far more straight forward than others and certain equipment will be subject to more stringent inspection by suitably qualified competent persons.
PUWER Inspection Template
PUWER or the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 applies to all machinery, tools and equipment. So be it a 40 tonne excavator or a 3 tread step ladder, you have a duty to inspect the equipment for faults and defects to make sure that it is safe to use. Our free PUWER Safety Checklist/Template can be used to make a record of these inspection to help you demonstrate to third parties that you have a formal inspection regime in place. Obviously some inspections are far more straight forward than others and certain equipment will be subject to more stringent inspection by suitably qualified competent persons.
PUWER regulation 6 specifies the circumstances where a PUWER inspection is required to ensure healthy and safe conditions are maintained:
- where the safety of work equipment depends on the installation conditions, it should be inspected after installation and before first use, and after reassembly at any new site / location
- at suitable intervals, where work equipment is exposed to conditions causing deterioration liable to result in dangerous situations
- each time exceptional circumstances (eg major modifications, known or suspected serious damage, substantial change in the nature of use) are liable to have jeopardised the safety of the work equipment
A PUWER inspection should concentrate on those safety-related parts which are necessary for the safe operation of work equipment and in some cases, this may require testing and/or dismantling. However, not all safety-critical features on a particular item of work equipment may require inspection at the same intervals.
An inspection can vary in its extent, as the following demonstrate:
- quick checks before use (eg: electric cable condition on hand-held power tools, functional testing of brakes, lights on mobile machinery)
- weekly checks (eg: presence of guarding, function of safety devices, tyre pressures, and the condition of windows, mirrors and CCTV on mobile plant)
- more extensive examinations, undertaken every few months or longer (eg: general condition of a ladder, close examination of a safety harness, portable appliance testing)
Records are not normally required to be made for the simplest pre-use checks.
The use of checklists can assist but these, and the records made, should be tailored to the particular type of work equipment to minimise the burden to what is strictly necessary for safety. You only need to inspect what is necessary for safety.
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